The guiding patristic principle closely followed in training the trainers: ’You cannot become doctor to another unless you are doctor to yourself.’
The new accreditation procedure of trainers approved by the Association’s Board starting with the summer of 2018 is based on the experience of the Specialization and Counseling Courses for specialists during 2014-2018 and reflects the responsibility that the trainer position entails:
1. Becoming an ACTIVE SYMPATHISER (see section: SYMPATHISER).
3. Completing the PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT COURSES provided by The Association (see section: PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT).
4. Acquiring the status of Praxis Volunteer and getting involved in the activities of The VoP Club. (see section: HOW CAN I BECOME A PRAXIS VOLUNTEER?).
5. Completing the PATRISTIC PSYCHOLOGY COURSES provided by The Association. (see section: PATRISTIC PSYCHOLOGY).
6. PROPOSAL FOR INTERNAL EVALUATION through nomination by one of the Board Members, on the basis of:
- Identifying the existence of a vocation and abilities in this respect;
- The existence of a personal praxis coherent with the work of The Association;
- The existence of the person’s agreement to enter the evaluation process and to follow this professional development path;
- The existence of the Trainer Certificate or the Personal Development Counselor Certificate which together with the internal certification confers the legal framework for developing this kind of work.
7. INTERNAL EVALUATION of the trainer consists of:
- Evaluation of specialized knowledge – provided within the Patristic Psychology Courses.
- Answering two ample questionnaires which refer to: The Principles of Organizing the Counseling Sessions and The Trainer Personality.
- Solving 20+ problematic situations which can appear within the counseling sessions.
- Case studies presentation. Analysis according to a predetermined grid and free discussions.
- Organizing an individual counseling session, with final feedback from the participant and the trainer.
- Final interview. A test where the trainer has to deal with unexpected situations, to answer any kind of question and where spontaneity, emotional stability and applied discernment are evaluated.
- Supervising stage: minimum 1 year – maximum 3 years, depending on the needs of the trainer identified during the internal evaluation process.
The status of TRAINER ACCORDING TO THE PRINCIPLES OF PATRISTIC PSYCHOLOGY can be acquired by any person with higher education who becomes an ACTIVE SYMPATHISER of The Association and completes the steps above, regardless of the specialization previously attained.
The training duration is determined by:
1. The involvement degree of the Active Sympathiser in the individual training process (the commitment towards the inner growth path, the development of their inner abilities, the continuous in-depth practice of their personal praxis, etc.);
2. The way in which the Sympathiser prioritizes other components of the training process, depending on their current life context (attending courses, VoP Club, etc.).
Experience showed us that the necessary training framework is between 4-5 years.